Day 4 Wednesday, 1 November 2023 : Improving early warning systems for severe weather events and prolonged droughts.
This day will highlight a comprehensive input regarding generating more suitable and operative drought indices and enhancing the probabilistic flood forecasting systems, integrating several tools to implement a powerful Early Warning System (EWS). Besides, putting this knowledge to work and developing information tools based on technologies that are basic for managing flood and drought risk will do this in close collaboration with the stakeholders and end-users to ensure adequate uptake of the newly developed products.
Under this day, the CWW will cover the topics (but not limited to):
• (EWS) as a key element of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
• Prolonged droughts forecast and long-term mitigation and adaptation actions
• Floods forecast and disaster risk reduction (DRR)
• Early warning systems global initiatives.
• Investments mechanisms for early warnings and early action.
• Enhancement of risks observation, monitoring, and forecasting infrastructure
Under this day, the CWW will cover the topics (but not limited to):
• (EWS) as a key element of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
• Prolonged droughts forecast and long-term mitigation and adaptation actions
• Floods forecast and disaster risk reduction (DRR)
• Early warning systems global initiatives.
• Investments mechanisms for early warnings and early action.
• Enhancement of risks observation, monitoring, and forecasting infrastructure